The drug Adderall (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine) is composed of two stimulant drugs that are typically utilized to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as sleep disorder narcolepsy.
Adderall is available in two forms: Adderall IR, an immediate-release option, or as Adderall XR which is an extended-release version. The extended-release version permits those suffering from ADHD to take only one dose per day, making it the ideal choice for children, as they do not have to take multiple doses throughout school. The therapeutic effects of the immediate-release version typically last for 4-6 hours while the extended-release version is advertised as being effective for at least 12 hours.
Drugs that stimulate the brain for treating ADHD are the most popular type of drug for use among college students who utilize them to "cram" during examination periods to stay awake and more alert. However, misuse of these substances also frequently occurs in conjunction with other drugs like alcohol, other stimulants, and opiate substances. It is the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) categorizes Adderall as a Schedule II controlled substance, which means it's a substance that could lead to the development of physical dependence and is an extremely addictive drug if it is not used according to its prescription or under the direction of a physician.
Suboxone (buprenorphine and Naloxone) is a medication that is specifically designed to aid people suffering from opioid use disorders in getting off opioid drugs of addiction. Buprenorphine is an opioid agonist partial to the degree that binds to the same neurons in the brain as other opioids do, however, it doesn't produce the full effects of opioids. It helps individuals discontinue their chosen drug, while not experiencing significant withdrawal symptoms.
The DEA categorizes buprenorphine a Schedule III controlled substance, meaning that it has a moderate chance for abuse and the creation of physical dependence. Naloxone, the component that is in Suboxone is intended to serve as a safeguard against abusing the substance. Naloxone is a fully opioid antagonist, which is commonly employed to help patients recover after an overdose of opiate drugs. When activated, this drug instantly encapsulates the opioid receptors within the brain, and eliminates any opioids that already exist there. It will not allow any opioids to attach to these receptor sites. Furthermore it is the case that activation of the drug elicits an immediate withdrawal response from those who take it. The naloxone contained in Suboxone is not activated unless the drug is used in a way which is not in accordance with the prescribed usage that is, for instance, grinding it into powder and attempting to snort or inject it.
Using Suboxone and Adderall in Combination
Individuals attempting to use Suboxone and Adderall together would most likely use them only with the guidance of a physician. This combination of medications is generally not advised. Patients who are recovering of an opiate addiction disorder and who are taking Suboxone are often not prescribed stimulant medications like Adderall to treat ADHD until they've been weaned off Suboxone.
It's not clear whether these two drugs are typically used together as drugs of abuse, however there are some accounts of people who use these two substances together do occur. Based on the text Basic & Clinical Pharmacology and the information regarding the prescriptions for these drugs, as per the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), many issues can occur when someone is taking an anti-stimulant medication along with Suboxone.
One of the main issues to be considered is the risk of overdose on one or more of the medications in the event of taking two different drugs with distinct mechanisms of action. Buprenorphine while it is a partial opioid agonist, nonetheless has central nerve depressant effects. As stimulant, Adderall increases central nervous system activity. When taken in combination, these two drugs will cancel out some negative effects of one and people may not be convinced that they're getting the desired psychoactive effects by taking either drug. This could lead to the risk of an overdose since people may require more to experience the effects. This is most difficult for someone who is trying to abuse or misuse both drugs and not in an individual who is prescribed both substances and taking them in the recommended dosages. Because the buprenorphine would curb the stimulant effects of the Adderall and narcotics, it is assumed that one is more likely to take overdoses on Adderall as opposed to buprenorphine, but, it is possible to definitely be reversed. The overdose of Adderall can cause a range of health issues, among them:
Potential for paranoia and hallucinations
An increase in aggression and restlessness
An increase in heart rate and blood pressure
Increased potential for stroke or heart attack
The potential for seizures
Suboxone overdose can cause issues such as
Complications that are associated with respiratory suppression
A decrease in heart rate and blood pressure
Possibility of unconsciousness or Coma
A powerful stimulant medication with buprenorphine can result in an increase in the amount of buprenorphine within the system or may counteract the effects of buprenorphine. If a person is using Suboxone for opioid replacement therapy, it can cause opiate withdrawal symptoms.
The higher risk of having unexpected reactions as a result when combining these drugs is also more likely. This is particularly true when people experience extreme reactions that are atypical because it may be difficult for medical professionals to identify what is going on with the individual unless they get information about their drug use directly from that individual or from someone else.
The adverse effects associated with both medications can change drastically. The result could be atypical effects that may not like the side effects that normally occur with either drug alone.
Common side effects associated with buprenorphine comprise:
Aches and cramps in muscles
Constipation, nausea, or vomiting
Anxiety, irritation, or anxiety
Common side effects of Adderall include:
An increase in heart rate or irregular heartbeat
Changes in mood
Tremors in the extremities
Psychotic behavior
Tics or muscle twitches
An increase in blood pressure
Seizures, in rare cases
There is some evidence that stimulant medications while an individual is taking Suboxone for the treatment of an addiction to opiates is linked to an increased craving for opiate-based drugs. This can lead to the individual sabotaging the goal of taking Suboxone initially. Individuals in recovery, particularly in the early stages of recovery, usually require significant assistance in dealing with cravings for the drug of their preference, and any circumstance which causes an increase in cravings must be avoided.
It is worth noting that a person diagnosed with ADHD is more likely to engage in drug seeking behavior when their symptoms are not managed. For instance, a person who has ADHD and is taking treatment for opiate withdrawal may be prescribed Adderall as they take Suboxone. In these cases, doctors will probably monitor the patients in a very close manner.